Our Mission, Vision & Values


Our Mission

To offer a shared experience of affirmative prayer, meditation, compassionate service and spiritual dialog with the world around us.


Our Vision

We envision a world living in harmony and embracing infinite, divine potential


Our Values

Peace - We are content and calm, living in harmony and love.

Inclusivity - We see you, we hear you, we joyfully receive you.

Kindness - We affirm respect, empathy, and compassion for all.

Community - With a shared purpose, we flourish through collective, caring action.

Wholeness - We aspire to love in interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit.


We Believe...

  • That God is Love, Goodness and the One Power and Presence active in the Universe, and in our lives;
  • That the love which is God lives, moves and has its being un us;
  • That Jesus served as our model and "Way Shower" by expressing his divine potential, and that he sought to show humankind how to do likewise;
  • That each of us is an eternal expression of God.  Our essential nature is divine and therefore inherently good.  Our purpose is to express divine potential as realized and demonstrated by Jesus and other great teachers.  The more we awaken to our divine nature, the more fully God expresses in and through our lives;
  • That a loving prayer-centered environment is essential for our spiritual growth and personal development and that affirmative prayer is the highest form of creative thought.